Friday, March 16, 2007

Interaction 3

Ever since I dropped my purse, and lost the piece of paper with my number on it, that boy, Sean, has been calling me a lot lately. He's a nice kid, but he's still in high school and still kind of young. Right now, two years seems to be far apart. And to be quite honest, I'm not sure if I really want to be in much of a relationship right now. I'd feel tied down, and that's just not me. Maybe a ride on my street bike will do me some good.

Interaction 2

After I leave the hospital with a neon green cast on my left arm, I walk past a school where I bump into a boy named Sean. Sean was running out of the school when I bumped into him- apparently the principal caught him for doing something. We both round the corner and fall on top of each other. We would have talked for a while more, but he had to get away from the school grounds at the risk of being arrested on the campus. However, when I walked home, I remembered dropping my purse, which had a piece of paper with my number written on it, which I was supposed to have given to a friend. That piece of paper was gone now.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Interaction 1

Jill crashed on her street bike today at 2 in the morning; she broke her left arm. in the
ER she met Lizzy Sue, who is already shocked by society is almost terrified when she sees Jill's flaming red hair.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Jill is 19 and has moved to town after moving out of her parents' house as soon as she turned 18. Jill has a thing for dying her hair every color of the rainbow. She also loves to drag race on her street bike at 2 in the morning against anyone who is willing.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cultural Revolution

  • Cultural Revolution: The People's Republic of China was in a struggle for power with the Communist of China, which in turn brought People's Republic of China to the brink of Civil War
  • Mao Zedong: A Chinese Marxist military and political leader and write who led the Communist Party of China
  • Since he was a Marxist, Mao supported the Bourgeois, which was a social class which obtains income from ownership and trade in colonial assets
  • Mao launched the Cultural Revolution in 1966 as an opposition to Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, who said Mao should be removed from actual power
  • Mao declared the Revolution over in 1966, although it was not officially marked as over in 1976 by the People's Republic of China
  • Gang of Four: A group of Communist Party of China leaders in the People's Republic who were arrested and removed from their positions of authority in 1976- they were also blamed for the primary events of the Revolutions
  • Counter revolutionary: anyone who opposes a revolution- usually after the revolution, as to try and reverse it

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Antigone-The First Feminazi

Personally, I believe that it is true-women can be like snakes, or vipers, as they "slither around" when they cheat on their husband or boyfriend. However, men can "slither around" to; men cheat on their wives and girlfriends too. both men and women alike can be sleazy- nature does not specifically to one or the other sexes; it goes for both.
in society, women are seen as sleazy and men are jerks. Why? I do not know. Society just makes us out to be that way.
women have a stereotypical way acting, but that does mean that all women fit into this stereotype. Some women are more relaxed and "chill" while others are loud and obnoxious; simple as that. as far as the disloyal thing goes, both men and women can be disloyal, and some are. both can also be snakes. Men are more referred to as "snakes" while women are "bitches".
yes, it is sad that society puts us in these stereotypes, but it does.

Monday, January 22, 2007

What's in the bag response

I do not believe in fate, yet that of freewill. However, at rare times I do believe that things happen for a reason. As with religion, I do not believe that anyone or anything should have the right to control my life, let alone my entire existence. People do make careless decisions everyday, but that does not neccessarily make them decisions of fate. People do everything out of freewill. For example, is it fate if you drink Gatorade or Powerade at practice every day? No, I should think not. That is merely an action of freewill-because you prefer one thing over another. The one big recurring problem I have with fate is the fact that it means that our lives are entirely set out before us before we can even speak. If we were already born to be sinners, would it really matter how we lived our lives? What would be the point if we knew we were going to die condemned anyway

Although, life is not the easiest thing we encounter, it doesn't mean that fate made it hard or easy. Life is hard so we can grow and build from it. You control your own life. For example, if a person goes to school, studies hard, goes to college, and becomes very successful, it is because he or she got themselves there-it was not fate. Working hard to achieve anything in life does not make it fate at all. Working hard is the action of freewill. You do something because you want to or have to, not because it is your fate to.